Non Shut-Off Pulse Tools

FUJI’s pulse tools are among the most advanced non shut off tools in the World. By non shut off it means that when they reach the desired torque the tools with stall, while the motor will continue to run, the tool will not tighten any more.

These tools are designed for repeatability and accuracy. Their rugged and highly engineered craftsmanship allows for incredible long service cycles without oil or parts replacement. Once the cycle comes to an end the tools can be serviced, this usually involves the replacement of oil and “O” rings in the Pulse Unit. Once this service is performed the tool is ready for another long life cycle. This can be repeated many many times. Some of our first tools are still in service by utilizing this method.

FUJI’s pulse tools are precise, lightweight, quiet, and have an incredibly low vibration. FUJI’s manufacturing process and World-Class Engineering makes this product a World Class Leader. Among the special characteristics of most of our pulse tools we have an accumulator mechanism, and environmentally friendly design, and cleverly ergonomic design. You can read about them in detail in the section below.

We have a very large variety of products that may be suitable for your needs. Please select the from our torque range options, then select the type of tool (pistol, straight or angle) to suit your needs.