The global attention to sustainable practices puts industries under the radar. One of the most controversial industries is oil and gas. Without a doubt, energy plants play a crucial role in our modern society. Yet, these operations can posses threats to the environment if left unchecked. To address these concerns, many plants are adopting green […]
Pipeline Rehabilitation Techniques Repair Replacement, or Rehabilitation
Pipelines carry crucial resources such as water and energy. Over time, they can deteriorate due to wear and tear. Maintaining pipelines is a vital element of sustainable infrastructure. In this article, we will explore the various pipeline rehabilitation techniques. Pipeline Repair When specific sections of pipelines get damaged, imminent repairs are crucial. Repairs are conducted […]
Smart Pipeline Technologies
Pipe networks are an essential part of various industries. Recent developments make pipelines safer and more efficient. In this article, we’ll talk about smart pipe networks and their use in various industries. The Evolution of Pipelines Pipelines are the backbone of many industries such as energy and water management. Traditional pipelines can be challenging to […]
Automation and Robotics in the Oil and Gas Industry
The oil and gas industry stands out as one of the automated sectors worldwide. It extensively employs robots and automation in capacities ranging from drilling and production, to maintenance and safety. Benefits Utilizing automation and robotics within the oil and gas industry offers advantages. Robots excel at operating in environments where human presence poses risks, […]
Non Destructive Testing Methods
There are various methods to test the quality of a system. However, most of the testing methods cause damage to the system. When inflicting damage on the system is out of the question, non-destructive testing methods come in handy. Non-destructive testing (NDT) is a group of techniques that are used to evaluate the properties of […]
ASTM Corrosion Tests and Standards
Corrosion is a natural process that occurs when materials are exposed to corrosives such as oxygen, acids, ions humidity, high temperatures, sunlight, or various chemicals. Corrosion affects a wide range of materials, including metals, plastics, ceramics, and organic materials. Corrosion is a major problem for many applications since it negatively affects the structural integrity of […]
Condition Based Maintenance
Correct analysis and accurate design are the key principles of a well-functioning system however, the longevity and effectiveness of any system depend on appropriate maintenance. There are many strategies for maintenance. Establishing the correct strategy of maintenance is key to ensuring the longevity of the system. In this article, we will discuss condition-based maintenance. What […]
ST52 Carbon Steel
ST52 is one of the most commonly used low-Carbon steels. ST52 is used to manufacture structural components and mechanical parts and its excellently weldable. In this article, we will discuss the properties of ST52 and the welding techniques that are commonly used for processing this specific type of low-Carbon steel. Steel is graded based on […]
Tepid water requirements for emergency showers
Introduction Working with hazardous materials can be harmful; but in some workplaces, contact with such materials is inevitable. If you wish to review our selection of tools suitable for workplaces with dangerous materials. Unwanted contact can occur even with protected skin and eye gear. If not correctly attended to, such exposure can cause permanent damage. […]
Prevent overexposure to welding fumes and gases
Introduction Welding is a construction process that fuses two or more parts through heat, pressure, or both. It is an elementary fabrication process used in various industries such as construction, mechanical installations, machinery production, and the oil/gas industry. Metals and thermoplastics are the most common materials merged by welding, but welding can fuse a broad […]
Disposal of flammable and dangerous substances
Flammable substances are essential components for various industries; however, incorrect use and storage of such materials may lead to disasters due to their hazardous nature. Moreover, the waste and byproducts of most flammables can be just as dangerous. Correct disposal and waste management planning of flammables is crucial to prevent fires and explosions. Definition Flashpoint […]
Risks of working in carbon monoxide filled environments
What is Carbon Monoxide? Carbon monoxide (CO) is a toxic, colorless, odorless, tasteless gas that can kill you. That is why it is sometimes called “the silent killer”. CO has no identifiable odor but is often mixed with other odorous gases. Therefore, carbon monoxide can be breathed or inhaled with a gas that has a […]
Bump Caps vs Hard Hats
In this post you’ll learn Why is head protection important Difference between Bump Caps and Hard Hats When should a Hard Hat or a Bump Cap be used Thousands of workers encounter head injuries at work yearly, and these injuries can lead to lost working hours and, in severe cases, death. According to most recent […]
OSHA Guidelines to Prevent Heat Illness
In this post you’ll learn As summer months approach, workers exposed to hot environments can be at risk of heat stress. Extreme heat can lead to occupational diseases and injuries. Heat stress can cause heat stroke, heat exhaustion, muscle spasms, or heat rash. Heat can also cause sweat in the palms, cloudiness of goggles, and […]
CNC Grinding: What You Need to Know
The industrial manufacturing sector has witnessed a massive rise in competitiveness owing to ever-advancing technological leaps. Apart from the developments, challenges involved in manufacturing high-quality components at minimum expenses have also surfaced. To minimize manufacturing obstructions, the CNC grinding system has entered the picture and revolutionized the grinding industry as we know it. A Complete […]
Preventing Hand Arm Vibration Syndrome in the oil and gas industry
According to the US Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OHSA), Hand-Arm Vibration (HAV) is a vibration exposure that mainly affects people who regularly use vibrating pneumatic, electric, hydraulic, and gasoline-powered hand tools. Research and studies going back to 1918 link HAV exposure to a condition of the fingers and hands called Hand-Arm Vibration Syndrome (HAVS). […]
What is the Fire Diamond?
There are many different types of labeling hazardous goods. Each has a distinct role to play, and it’s critical to understand the distinctions between them. NFPA 704 is a standard for hazard identification that was developed to make emergency response decisions easier. It specifies a straightforward, readily recognized, simply understood method for identifying the particular […]
Pressure Welding Enclosures (PWE)
A pressurized welding enclosure (PWE) is a fully enclosed area that is safe for welding work near classified environments or otherwise dangerous. Some systems use a computer to control atmospheric monitoring and welding equipment.
Tools for Offshore Grinding
Non-sparking tools are essential in maintenance, operation, and modification jobs. Certain electric, hydraulic or pneumatic tools are indispensable across the board, and especially when performing a job in an Offshore Platform.
Pipeline integrity management
Pipeline integrity management is about being compliant with regulations and having a program that ensures safety and lowers operational costs. Operators have the best programs when they have a good system for managing pipeline integrity. They manage their processes, documentation, metrics, and organization to be more efficient with pipeline integrity.